Stability is very important for people born in the sign of Taurus. The key words for Taurus is „I am“. Taurus loves money and is not afraid to work hard to gain it. At work Taurus is reliable, patient and precise. After starting a project they persist till the end of it no matter how long it takes and how complicated it is. Taurus is punctual, hardworking and is not afraid of any work.
People born in this sign are encouraged to move forward by their sense for value. Another motivation is that they love remuneration for their hard work. Work is also important to them because they love to surround themselves with luxury goods. Money (and work) are the means to get this luxury.
People born in this sign can be economical with their money. They pay their bills in time and they have finacial reserves. They do not mind spending money but only from time to time. Taurus prefers a job in one of these fields – banking, medicine, education or agriculture.